Monday, June 8, 2009

Grandma's Testimony

This is part of the testimony Grandma Dorsey bore in Fast and Testimony Meeting on June 7, 2009:

My testimony today was that the Gospel is the good news. Yes, we have trials, and sometimes I get to feeling that I have more than my share. Then I look around at the trials of others, and am thankful for what I have. But even in the midst of trials the Gospel is a gospel of good news. Included in that good news is the good news that. . .
-- We have a Father in Heaven -- and we're blessed to know it! -- and to know that we are His children.
-- We have a Savior and Redeemer who loves us -- and we're blessed to know it!
-- We have available to us personal revelation.
-- We have a prophet on the earth -- Thomas S. Monson.
-- We have local leaders.
-- We have temples with the ordinances performed there and the revelation and comfort we can receive there.
-- We have scriptures we can read to learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus and about what they want us to know and do.
There is so much good news.

See the following posts for main points from my testimony.

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